14 March 2013

Persuasive Writing Around Us

We just wrapped up our persuasive writing unit.  To see some of what I do with my writers check out the following posts...
My favorite part of this unit is helping students see why it is so important to learn how to write persusively.  Once we examine some examples of persuasive writing in class, my students complete an extended homework "project."
I ask students to look for persuasive writing around them. 
Click on the picture above to download your own copy of this persuasive project.
They can find this persuasive writing anywhere...television, newspapers, magazines, or anywhere else in the "real world."  I encourage the students to include a clipping or photo of the persuasive piece when possible.
This little project engages the students in persuasive writing.  It also helps bridge students to thinking about persuasive writing techniques.  Students have some inspiration in writing their own persuasive pieces.  They love to share the pieces they found especially those that are more unique forms of persuasion.
I hope you can use this assignment to add to your persuasive/opinion writing unit!

1 comment:

  1. you are an amazing teacher and I LOVE looking at your blog for ideas! I really appreciate everything you do to help out first year teachers like me! :)


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