01 March 2014

Currently March

Happy March!  I am so happy to welcome the month of lucky leprechauns and the promise of warmer temperatures.  So to greet this month, it is time for...

Loving - I have some of the most encouraging and supportive 4th grade teammates.  I would put my grade level up against any other in my school...wait no against the state...no the country as the hardest working and most creative group of teachers.
Thinking - You know how you think there is just never enough time to get everything done in the school day...well I have been given a 30 minute gift of time for the next 2 1/2 months.  Our 4 day snow vacation during Valentine week put us over the amount of snow days built into our school calendar.  My school system decided to make up the time lost by extending the school day by 30 minutes.  (I think I can deal with this rather than lose Spring Break or any of our summer!)  First day, begins Monday...keep your fingers crossed for me that our attention spans can last that long!
Wanting - Spring!  I, like the rest of the country, want some warmer weather!  No more of that dreaded 4-letter "s" word!
Needing - I have now lost 60 pounds!  So, the arrival of some warmer weather brings a tiny problem, all my clothes are too 6 sizes too big!  Do you think I could do a Donors Choose to fund some new school clothes?
??? - Can you guess my question?  Leave your guess in the comments!
Thank you for stopping in!  Now time to plan an extra 30 minutes of activities!


  1. Congratulations on the weight loss!! That's a big accomplishment! I think new clothes are in order, too bad we can't write a grant for that. Your secret question --Are you going on a cruise? Those are the ports of call?

  2. Congrats on the weight loss! That is SUCH an accomplishment! Celebrate it with some new fab clothes!!!!
    Short and Sassy Teacher

  3. I'm hoping that you are getting away from all this weather with a Spring Break Cruise. We did the extended day thing a couple years ago. I think I barely noticed. Congratulations on the weight loss! I have discovered that I love consignment shopping to save money, but it's not for everybody.

    Not very fancy


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