17 February 2018

Discover New Lands with Lewis and Clark -- My first HyperDoc!!!

As I said I've took the Online PD from the HyperDoc girls, Lisa Highfill, Kelly Hilton, and Sarah Landis.  This was absolutely one of the best professional development classes I have ever taken!

During the course, you are guided in how to plan and design a HyperDoc and its cousin, the Multimedia Text Set (MMTS).  Oh my goodness!  This made my little artsy craftsy, digital designing heart happy!  

I am so excited to share with you what I created!  First up, my Multimedia Text Set about Westward Expansion...

Click on the picture above to get your own copy of the Westward Expansion MMTS.
This Westward Expansion MMTS was designed to activate background knowledge and introduce students to this period in history.  I gathered a variety of videos, interactive content, infographics, and other resources about topics Georgia's 4th grade social studies standards.  Here are some ideas for use:
  1. Explore this MMTS as a whole class, and give students a paper copy of KIQ to record on while exploring
  2. Push the link out to students to explore on their own!  They will be forced to make a copy of the KIQ to their Drive, and they can share and turn it into you.
Then from this I created the following HyperDoc in Google Slides... 

You can use this HyperDoc in a number of ways!  
  1. Go through the slide deck as a whole class.  Students can answer the questions in a journal or use this handout for recording answers
  2. Students can go through the slide deck independently answering questions in journal or the handout above.
  3. Have your students make a copy (either with the link like I did or through File-Make a Copy) of slide deck for their Drive and fill in the answers right on the slides.  Then they can share their copy of the slide deck with you.
I hope your students enjoy learning about Westward Expansion and Lewis and Clark through these resources!  If you liked them, let me know in the comments below!  Have other suggestions of how to use these resources, let me know in the comments below!

* Note - My school system has YouTube blocked to students.  This is why I downloaded the YouTube videos and have them stored in my Drive.


  1. What's the benefit of a hyperdoc as opposed to a powerpoint file? Is it cloud based?

    1. The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download Now

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      The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download LINK

      >>>>> Download Now

      The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download Full

      >>>>> Download LINK CQ

  2. What a wonderful resource! Thank you so much for your hard work and sharing with others...for FREE! You rock!

  3. Thanks for sharing and inspiring. I will do something similar with American Revolution.

  4. Thank you so much for this great document with all the links. You are amazing!

  5. Thank you so much for this great document with all the links. You are amazing!

  6. This is AWESOME!! My 4th grader and 1st grader have loved it! It has caught their attention and been a great resource of information. It's great to be able to work through the different slides that have amazing things embedded! How cool! Fabulous job creating this. I so appreciate the time and effort put into this as I am homeschooling my kids this year!

  7. The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download Now

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    The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download LINK

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    The Polka-Dotted Teacher: Discover New Lands With Lewis And Clark -- My First Hyperdoc!!! >>>>> Download Full

    >>>>> Download LINK nh


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