20 October 2012

Working with Fiction Text Elements

During the past few weeks we have doing a LOT of work with elements of fiction texts.  You know, setting, characters, conflict, plot, and theme...whew!  My class loves to discuss and debate, so we had a lot of good discussion surrounding how these elements affect the text we are reading.  I wanted to share with you two resources I used to help me out with my lessons...

Have you heard of ReadWorks.org???  Oh My Goodness!  What an awesome resource this is...especially for a teacher implementing her first year of Common Core like me!  
There are lesson plans on ReadWorks.org for every grade level...with the graphic organizers (which I sometimes had to make cuter, of course!) and even a graphic organizer filled out for the teacher, if needed.  They also provide you with extra passages for practice or assessment.
And want to know the best part about this resource...it is TOTALLY FREE!  WOWEEE!  (You do have to complete a free register to use some of the resources...)
I created some resources of my own...
As we learned and discussed each element of fiction, I had an anchor chart to accompany it.  For example, here is my anchor chart for characters...
So my students always have a record of this information at hand, we recorded the definition and other information in a flipbook stored in our reading notebook...

These helped my students, when we read a text, to be able to take part in a higher level of discussion involving characters, setting, themes, conflicts, etc.
If you are interested in getting your own copies of the resources I created, simply click on the links for the store of your choosing. 
You can get just the anchor charts...
Or you can get only the flipbook... 
Or maybe you would like to get them both!

More fun Elements of Fiction Texts to come...I will share with you in the future how we tackled just plot in the near future!


  1. I LOVE readworks.org! It is a great resource.


  2. Someone just presented at our staff meeting on this! How cool.. It sounds awesome. I just gotta find the time to dig into it more. Thanks for the reminder!

    Always A Lesson

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