
09 October 2012

Making Homework More Appealling

So, I think I may have told you that I use these Caught You Being Good coins (if not, now you know...) for positive reinforcement in my classroom.
Do you like these coins? 
Click on the picture to go to Oriental Trading Company to get some for yourself!

My students can earn these in many ways...good behavior... classroom jobs...and for completing some voluntary extra at-home study! 

One way my students can earn extra coins is through completing math fact practice at home through the Math Stars program.
Students can earn one coin for twenty minutes of math fact practice (flashcards, math app on an iPad/Phone/Pod, online practice, or timed-tests packet) on Monday through Thursday and two coins for practice on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

Another way to earn extra coins is through Read to Succeed.
I require my students to read 20 minutes as part of homework on Monday through Thursday.  But, I will reward students who read beyond that time.  Like Math Stars, students can earn one coin for an additional 20 minutes on Monday through Thursday.  They can also earn two coins for reading at least 20 minutes on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.

My students rack up the coins with these two programs.  But so can you!  Surprise! 

Below you will find copies of these bookmarks in color and black and white. 

You can use my rules or set up your own...but having a reward of some sort will cause more students to want to participate!

What incentives do you provide your students?  I would love to hear about them!


  1. I really love this idea! Thanks for sharing :)

  2. Thanks for sharing! I can so see this working fabulously with our Accelerated Math and Accelerated Reader programs. GREAT!

    Antonia @ forkin4th

  3. Hey Jessica!! I BOOed you over at my blog :) Be sure to check it out!! http://lovetoteach123.blogspot.com/2012/10/ive-been-boo-ed.html

  4. I had honestly just thought to myself that I needed to do something like this when I saw my class report from xtramath.org and then I saw yours on pinterest! Thanks so much for sharing!

  5. I can't seem to download or get a copy of these, can you send me a link or something? Please. I really want to use them.

  6. Lovely idea. Your content has a user-friendly approach and it is easy on the eyes. It will help reach people from all over the globe if ads and promotions will be able to come up with a unique design and also has a user-friendly approach by adding stickers from https://estickers.com.au, which has a wide variety of custom design stickers.


Thank you for leaving me a comment. I look forward to what you have to say!


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