
11 May 2013

Who Would You Choose?

I got the best email this week!  Barb sent me pictures of a writing project she did with her students that was inspired by my post, Mom of the Year.  Look at what Barb's writers did...

I love how Barb's students chose who would be on the cover of the magazine!  Thank you Barb for sharing your inspiration!
Keep sharing with me!  I love to see how you are inspired by ideas I share.


06 May 2013

Summer Bridge Giveaway

Exciting news! Remember when I sang the praises of Carson Dellosa’s Summer Bridge workbooks?? 
These are the great workbooks that have a 15 minute a day activity for each day of summer vacation to keep a student’s brain active while they are out of school. They review the previous year and preview the next school year...and they are now Common Core Aligned! Yippee!
Well guess what? Carson Dellosa has given me 5 of these workbooks to give away! How sweet is that!

Here is how you can enter to win a workbook...
Please spread the word to your teacher friends and parents too!  I can’t wait until you can enjoy your workbook too!


05 May 2013

Teachers/Nurses Appreciation Week Gifts

I am helping my sister create Teachers Appreciation Weeks gifts for my 19-month-old nephew's teachers.  Since she is a nurse practioner and it is also Nurses Appreication Week, she also needed gifts for nurses and medical assistants at her offices.  So, I got to do a little creating this weekend.  These treats are really inexpensive, easy, and quick, so I thought I would share the tags that go on each of these gifts with you...(you can download the tags by clicking on the graphic!)

First up, a "S'more" goodie basket...
Get a basket.  Fill with a box of graham crackers, marshmallows, and a package of Hershey bars.  Tie on the tag with some curling ribbon.

Next up, "Piece of our Team" treat...

The Reese's Pieces boxes came from Walgreen's, but I have also seen them sold at Wal-Mart too.  Simply tie the tag on with some curling ribbon.
The PDF linked below includes nurse and teacher options

I am still working on some more treats, and I will get those posted as I can!

Graphics by


It's Currently time...
Thanks to

and away we go...
Loving--On Friday, we got our schedule for next school year.  We won't know our students until August, but I do know that I will have the group of gifted students that are taking accelerated math...fifth grade math instead of fourth...I hope those guys and girls aren't smarter than me!  Besides lunch, I get to fill in the rest of the day...and the pieces fell together so nicely!  Love that!
Thinking--I'm sure your end of the year to-do list is as long as soon as one thing gets checked off another unexpected item pops on!
Wanting--I could use one more week with my students than I currently had...although they are starting to show those oh so fun "I'm ready for summer" behaviors with two and a half weeks left!
Needing--One item on the end of the year list is a first annual Career Day.  It is part of Georgia's new College and Career Readiness initiative replacing AYP.  This year we teachers are presenting with the hopes of next year getting parents.  So I'm technology careers.  I have a mobile cart of 15 laptops (the other was already booked), so I have to figure out a 15 minute activity that students can work together on...I have until the 20th to figure it out.  Worse case scenario...a PowerPoint!  Any ideas???
Summer Bucket List--
1. Relax--I think that is self-explanatory!
2. Interactive Notebooks--Our school is jumping into the interactive note-taking/interactive notebooks in science and social studies...I'm going to explore what is out there but will probably create a bunch myself too (Don't worry, I will share! :)
3. Lego!--Nerd Alert!!--I have gotten into making these big complicated Lego kits...I hope to make another one over the summer.
Thanks for checking in! :)  Here's to a smooth end of the year wrap up!


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