
26 February 2012

Let me introduce myself...

Since I did not introduce myself last time, let me do that now!  It is kind of difficult to describe yourself, but I thought of some major details about me that make me who I am.

I am a teacher.  I have taught 4th grade, 2nd grade, and was a parapro in kindergarten.  I love when the light bulb turns on and the “ah ha” look comes over a child’s face.  I believe in making mistakes and learning from them.  I am about hands-on, authentic, and problem-solving.

I am a Georgia girl.  I was born and raised in the suburbs of Atlanta in the shadow of Stone Mountain...just close enough to enjoy the city but close enough to enjoy only some of the traffic.  I love sweet tea, grits, and UGA football. 

I am a perfectionist.  I dot every “i” and cross every “t”.  I used to be much worse than I am today but working with children day in and day out has calmed me down some. 

I am all about cute.  I love polka-dots.  I love bows...in the hair, on the purse, one the reading baskets.  And these are two of the cutest things in my life right now...

my 3 1/2 year-old brother/sister Morkies (Maltese-Yorkie mix), Digger and Sadie.

I am crafty.  I scrapbook.  I make cards.  I paint.  Paper, glue, and scissors are my medium.  Hopefully I will get to show you some of my creations.

That pretty much sums me up!  Well, kind of...I hope to reveal more of myself to you as I post more!


25 February 2012

My First Post

I finally decided to bite the bullet and start a blog.  Why you may ask do I want to take the time to write and send my thoughts out into cyberspace.  Well...it all started with Pinterest.

Yes...I am among the many that have fallen in love with Pinterest.  Wait that is an understatement.  I don’t just love Pinterest...I am addicted to Pinterest.  My family, friends, and coworkers are already tired of hearing about the site, but they only encourage me by repinning my pins.  I worry that Pintrest will go kaput, and all my fabulous pins will be lost.  I need to join a Pintrest Anonymous Group.  (note to self...search for a pin for that)  But I digress...
In my short seven-year teaching career, I can already document major developments that have changed my teaching life: 
  1. Reading Elementary and Middle School Mathematics: Teaching Developmentally by John A. Van De Walle. 
  2. A technology retro-fit at my school including the installation of an LCD-projector followed by a Mimio Board. 
  3. The discovery of Pintrest!
Pinterest has brought me so many ideas through other teachers’ blogs.  In our age of testing, I have discovered new ways to continue to make learning fun and memorable.  But reading all these other blogs made me realize that I had ideas to offer too!  I only hope someone may stumble upon my blog and be able to take at least one good idea back to his or her classroom.  Maybe even to repay the other teacher bloggers out there that have given me the gift of ideas that I have been able to use.

Oh, I forgot to introduced myself, but I will save that for another day...

P.S.  Thank you to Leslie Lambert at Sweetie Baby’s Custom Blog Design for creating such an adorable blog for me!  Go give her a look-see!


20 February 2012


This is a test post!

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