31 May 2012
Fun Technology Tools
10:32 AM
This past week I have finished my first lesson for my school system's new online campus. While I wish I could share the whole lesson with you, I can't figure out how to do that right now! I can give you a little peek...
I am developing the first quarter of fifth grade math with the new Common Core standards, and, since I teach fourth grade, I am having to do a little searching on the best resources to use to teach these standards. Another little speed bump in the road is we have to use resources that are available under Creative Commons licensing...unless we create them ourselves.
One resource that I used is to help me, and would be great to assist your students, is called
You know how sometimes you can teach a student over and over the same concept, but it is only when a friend explains it that it makes sense. This site is a kids-teaching-kids project from Mr. Marcos at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, California. Very well made videos...and it's FREE!
I found another online resource that helped me create this...
this subscription website lets you create comics. It is called Pixton for Schools...
I created my comic during my free trial, but I am seriously considering signing up for a subscription for the fall. Can you imagine all you could do here? I am thinking reading responses, end of unit assessments, or even just an alternative writing piece! How would you use this resource?
One final tool is Voki! Have you used this? Voki lets you create an avatar and either record or input text so your little character can talk! Here is an example of one that I created...
I am developing the first quarter of fifth grade math with the new Common Core standards, and, since I teach fourth grade, I am having to do a little searching on the best resources to use to teach these standards. Another little speed bump in the road is we have to use resources that are available under Creative Commons licensing...unless we create them ourselves.
One resource that I used is to help me, and would be great to assist your students, is called
You know how sometimes you can teach a student over and over the same concept, but it is only when a friend explains it that it makes sense. This site is a kids-teaching-kids project from Mr. Marcos at Lincoln Middle School in Santa Monica, California. Very well made videos...and it's FREE!
I found another online resource that helped me create this...
I created my comic during my free trial, but I am seriously considering signing up for a subscription for the fall. Can you imagine all you could do here? I am thinking reading responses, end of unit assessments, or even just an alternative writing piece! How would you use this resource?
One final tool is Voki! Have you used this? Voki lets you create an avatar and either record or input text so your little character can talk! Here is an example of one that I created...
There is a classroom subscription version of the site I am going to check out because it has more security options. Students could use this to record responses to literature, explain math thinking, or have digital discussions. Pretty cool!
I will try to share with you some of the other tools and resources that I find! But please share with me some of the digital tools you use in your classroom...I will need plenty of ideas!
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