22 January 2013
Shhh...it's a Secret!
12:00 AM
If you have read my blog before you know I like doing Random Acts of Kindness with my students. I saw this fun project that reminded me of my students as soon as I read it.
Why did this project remind me of my students? Well, they love being ninjas...ok I know this sounds kind of crazy! But, we needed to be quiet traveling the building during some testing...and the suggestion of being hallway ninjas totally worked! Now anytime we need to do something secret-like, we become "ninjas." Hey...it's only crazy if it doesn't work!
I did have to change up the project a bit to make it public school appropriate. (Plus nothing is ever cute enough for me!) Here is how the Secret Random Acts of Kindness work...
The secret R.A.K.s start with each student receiving the "Top Secret" package...
Inside the envelope is a letter outlining the mission (in Mission: Impossible style...including the warning statement...well not really!). Also included in the package is a list of Secret R.A.K. Ideas.
The Secret Agent is to chose a "target" and perform a secret RAK. The mission is to do this each day for SEVEN days! They will list the "Target" and the R.A.K. they performed and report back at the end of the assigned time.
Look at how many I made...can you imagine how much kindness is going to be spread! Gives me chill bumps!!!!
Another thing I am doing differently from the original project is...I am not telling my students, but I have a little prize for those that successfully complete the mission. Just a little prize...nothing big! I am really trying to emphasize through all these acts that it feels better to do for others with no expectation of something in return. I can't wait to see how many of mine complete this!
I did have to change up the project a bit to make it public school appropriate. (Plus nothing is ever cute enough for me!) Here is how the Secret Random Acts of Kindness work...
The secret R.A.K.s start with each student receiving the "Top Secret" package...
Inside the envelope is a letter outlining the mission (in Mission: Impossible style...including the warning statement...well not really!). Also included in the package is a list of Secret R.A.K. Ideas.
The Secret Agent is to chose a "target" and perform a secret RAK. The mission is to do this each day for SEVEN days! They will list the "Target" and the R.A.K. they performed and report back at the end of the assigned time.
Another thing I am doing differently from the original project is...I am not telling my students, but I have a little prize for those that successfully complete the mission. Just a little prize...nothing big! I am really trying to emphasize through all these acts that it feels better to do for others with no expectation of something in return. I can't wait to see how many of mine complete this!
If you would like to do this project with your class, click on the picture below to download a PDF copy for yourself!
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That is adorable! Totally doing that with my kiddos. thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteThis is absolutely wonderful! I have been talking about RAK with my kiddos since before Christmas break, and we have been doing RAK for teachers in the building. What is is about kids loving to be ninjas? Haha my yahoo's are the same! I am totally using this idea, THANKS!
What a GREAT idea!!! I love it and will be stealing it. :)
Teaching in Room 6
I love this! Thank you so much for sharing!
I Want to be a Super Teacher
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DeleteThis is amazing!!! I really like your idea of being misterious ninjas doing good things. Thanks for sharing!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing! My 4th graders will love this!
ReplyDeleteOh my awesome! I was just working on this EXACTLY-titled project for a girls camp in a few weeks. Now I have more ideas. I was even using similar fonts!
ReplyDeleteI love this idea! What a great activity any time of year. Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to try this with my 4th graders!
ReplyDeleteHey, I LOVE this idea. My toddlers and I have been doing Random Acts of Kindness for the past 26 days of February. First it started as a count up to Valentine's Day to show love and kindness to those around us. Then we got so in to it, we decided to carry on for the remainder of the month. We have two days to go and where looking for more ideas and were lucky enough to bump into your post. I was wondering, do you have a PDF dowload for the cute matching Secret Agent badges you made for your students? (By the way I was a teacher for 12 years and am now a stay at home mom, but if and when I return to teaching, I'm going to definitely carry on this great idea of yours with my class. And, just wanted to share that I had a fellow coworker who had Ninja students her entire year. She developed her curriculum and "discipline" plan, which was more like a motto for life, around the ninja theme. She had characters for each of the words of kindness she taught them--respect, commitment, etc. which she names and sketched. She even made stuffed animals of them. You would LOVE her ideas....) Please contact me if you do have the badge on PDF, I'd appreciate it. --Josefina Miller ms_mercado@hotmail.com (Sorry, google doesn't want to let me sign out as my husband before leaving this note to you....lol)
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love this idea! It gets kids excited to spread kindness rather than making it feel like another chore. I'm an aspiring teacher, and I would love to use this in my future classroom!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this amazing idea! I love the idea of introducing RAK's to the kids, it shows them how rewarding it can be to do something nice for others, with no expectation of receiving a prize or anything in return. I feel like it would be a great idea to even extend this to people around the school, like the teachers or custodians too! I am a future teacher and will definitely be using your mission possible PDF document in the future. Thanks for sharing!
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